Saturday, February 10, 2007

!BC: Prehistoric BC

Ok, here we go. As I stated in my recent update at Vodka Memoirs, my brickabrack MySpace literary experiment, Brain Carpentry is moving on past the daughterly project to the more HTML-friendly platform here on Google Blogger. To start you off with a couple of older BC posts, however, we'll need to link back to the mothership, as I don't believe in reposting.

So here we are, with some prehistoric BC. A small piece on where I'm from. A witty blog on some life outlooks. Something about unknown world of dreams. And finally some outlooks on love and dating along with a small helping of praise for sluts. Enjoy.

Psst, links may not be working due to MaySpice being attracted to its own sex. Workin' on it.

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